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Shareholder Structure 2025

Contact for voting rights notifications

Please send any voting rights notifications by fax to:
+ 49 (0)89 - 1489 - 95139

or by email to:

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 43, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

03/21/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
03/14/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
03/12/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
03/10/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
03/07/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
02/28/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
02/26/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF
02/19/2025BlackRock, Inc.PDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2025 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
03/27/2025Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
03/25/2025Viking Gobal Partners LLCVoting rights <3%PDF
03/21/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/21/2025Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
03/20/2025Morgan StanleyVoting rights >5%PDF
03/19/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
03/17/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/14/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/12/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/11/2025DWS Investment GmbH (correction of 03/10/2025)Voting rights >3%PDF
03/11/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/10/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
03/10/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/07/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/07/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
03/07/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/05/2025Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
03/04/2025Viking Global Partners LLCVoting rights >3%PDF
03/03/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/28/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/27/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/26/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/26/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
02/26/2025Morgan StanleyVoting rights >5%PDF
02/25/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/24/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/24/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/21/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
02/21/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/19/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/19/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/19/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/19/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/18/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/18/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/14/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights < 3%PDF
02/12/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/12/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
02/10/2025UBS Group AGVoting rights <3%PDF
02/07/2025UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
01/31/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
01/30/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
01/30/2025BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
01/10/2025DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2024 - 2009

Shareholder Structure Archive 2024

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 43, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

12/13/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
11/28/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
10/04/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
09/06/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
09/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
08/26/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
07/26/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
07/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
07/02/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
06/04/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
06/01/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
05/21/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
05/10/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
04/12/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
04/02/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF
03/19/2024BlackRock, Inc.PDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2024 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/24/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
12/13/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
12/12/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
11/28/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
11/26/2024Viking Global Partners LLCVoting rights < 3%PDF
11/25/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
11/22/2024EuroPacific Growth FundVoting rights > 5%PDF
11/21/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
11/18/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
11/18/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
11/15/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
11/06/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/31/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/25/2024Viking Global Partners LLCVoting rights > 3%PDF
10/21/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/15/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/14/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/11/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights > 3%PDF
10/11/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/09/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/08/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/08/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/07/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/04/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/04/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/02/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights > 10%PDF
10/02/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/02/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
09/24/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
09/23/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
09/20/2024Viking Global Partners LLCVoting rights < 3%PDF
09/12/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights < 5%PDF
09/06/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/29/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/29/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
08/26/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/23/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
08/14/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
08/14/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
08/08/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
08/07/2024Morgan Stanley Voting rights >5%PDF
08/06/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
07/26/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
07/24/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
07/10/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
07/09/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
07/08/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
07/04/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
07/04/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights >5%PDF
07/03/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
07/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
07/02/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
06/03/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
06/03/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
06/01/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/27/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
05/27/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/22/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/21/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/16/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/16/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
05/16/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights >5%PDF
05/10/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/10/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
04/26/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights <3%PDF
04/25/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/19/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/18/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3%PDF
04/17/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/17/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights <5%PDF
04/12/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
04/12/2024Morgan StanleyVoting rights >5%PDF
04/11/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/10/2024UBS Group AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/09/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
04/09/2024Viking Global Partners LLCVoting rights >3%PDF
04/05/2024Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of NorwayVoting rights <3%PDF
04/02/2024BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/22/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
03/21/2024BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
03/19/2024BlackRockVoting rights >10%PDF
03/19/2024BlackRock Voting rights > 10%PDF
03/15/2024BlackRockVoting rights >10%PDF
02/06/2024Morgan Stanley Voting rights >3%PDF
01/26/2024Morgan Stanley Voting rights >3%PDF
01/23/2024Morgan Stanley & Co. LLCVoting rights >3%PDF
01/15/2024DWS Investment GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2023

MTU Aero Engines AG - release of the Total Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 of the WpHG (the German Securities Trading Act) in 2023

DateTotal Voting Rights Announcement acc to article 41 WpHGPDF
05/04/2023MTU Aero Engines AG (Correction)PDF
04/28/2023MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
03/31/2023MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
02/28/2023MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
01/31/2023MTU Aero Engines AGPDF

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 43, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

DateInvestor PDF
10/04/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF
10/03/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF
09/13/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF
09/08/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF
08/07/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF
08/02/2023BlackRock, Inc.PDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2023 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/07/2023BlackRock Global Funds, LuxembourgVoting rights >3%PDF
12/01/2023BlackRock Global Funds, LuxembourgVoting rights >3%PDF
11/21/2023Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3%PDF
11/14/2023Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3% PDF
11/07/2023Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3%PDF
11/02/2023Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3%PDF
10/30/2023Morgan StanleyVoting rights >3%PDF
10/26/2023BlackRock Global FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
10/18/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
10/09/2023Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway (Norges Bank)Voting rights >3%PDF
10/05/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
10/04/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
10/03/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
10/03/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/20/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/18/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/13/2023Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights < 3%PDF
09/13/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/11/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/08/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
09/01/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/07/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/04/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/03/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
08/01/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
07/31/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
07/17/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
06/20/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
06/19/2023BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
06/15/2023Amundi S.A.Voting rights <3%PDF
06/09/2023Amundi S.A.Voting rights >3%PDF
06/06/2023Amundi S.A.Voting rights <3%PDF
06/01/2023Amundi S.A.Voting rights >3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2022

MTU Aero Engines AG - release of the Total Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 of the WpHG (the German Securities Trading Act) in 2022

DateTotal Voting Rights Announcement acc to article 41 WpHGPDF
12/30/2022MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
11/30/2022MTU Aero Engines AGPDF

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 43, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

05/03/2022BlackRock, Inc.PDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2022 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/21/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
12/20/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
12/14/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
12/08/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
12/06/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
12/05/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/29/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/28/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/17/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/11/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/04/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/02/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
11/02/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
10/27/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
10/26/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
10/07/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
10/06/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/29/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/19/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/16/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF (no. 2)
09/16/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF  (no. 1)
09/13/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/09/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/06/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
09/06/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
08/30/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
08/26/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
08/25/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
07/11/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
06/22/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
06/22/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
06/21/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/09/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
05/03/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
04/29/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights = 10%PDF
04/28/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
04/27/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights = 10%PDF
04/04/2022Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
03/28/2022Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
03/22/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
03/09/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
03/08/2022Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
03/08/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
03/01/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/23/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/23/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/17/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/15/2022BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2021

Shareholder Structure 2021

MTU Aero Engines AG - release of the Total Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 of the WpHG (the German Securities Trading Act) in 2021

published via DGAPTotal Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 WpHG 
11/30/2021MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
08/31/2021MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
02/26/2021MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
01/29/2021MTU Aero Engines AGPDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2021 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/08/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/06/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/06/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/03/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/02/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/01/2021Kenneth C. GriffinVoting rights <3%PDF
12/01/2021Citadel Tactical Master Fund Ltd.Voting rights <3%PDF
10/21/2021Citadel Tactical Master Fund Ltd.Voting rights >3%PDF
10/21/2021Kenneth C. GriffinVoting rights >3%PDF
09/28/2021Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
09/15/2021Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights <5%PDF
08/18/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/11/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/04/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/16/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/15/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/11/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/11/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/04/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/04/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
05/31/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
03/04/2021Comgest Global Investors S.A.S.Voting rights <3%PDF
02/19/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/18/2021The Capital Group Companies, Inc.Voting rights <10%PDF
02/17/2021The Capital Group Companies, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
02/11/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/20/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/19/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/15/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/07/2021BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2020

Shareholder Structure 2020

MTU Aero Engines AG - release of the Total Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 of the WpHG (the German Securities Trading Act) in 2020

published via DGAPTotal Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 WpHG 
12/31/2020MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
03/31/2020MTU Aero Engines AGPDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2020 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/30/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
12/24/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
11/13/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
10/01/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/24/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/18/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/14/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/07/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/04/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
09/02/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/30/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/25/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/24/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/22/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/18/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/17/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
06/08/2020Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
05/08/2020Union Investment Privatfonds GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
04/23/2020EuroPacific Growth FundVoting rights <5%PDF
04/20/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
04/20/2020The Capital Group Companies, Inc.Voting rights < 15%PDF
04/17/2020The Capital Group Companies, Inc.Voting rights > 15%PDF
04/17/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
04/09/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
04/07/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
04/02/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
04/02/2020FMR LLCVoting rights <3%PDF
04/01/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
03/27/2020Comgest Global Investors SASVoting rights >3%PDF
03/25/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
03/24/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
03/23/2020Fidelity Investment TrustVoting rights <3%PDF
03/23/2020FMR LLCVoting rights >3%PDF
03/19/2020Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights >5%PDF
03/12/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
03/10/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/04/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/27/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/17/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/16/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/15/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/10/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
01/07/2020BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2019

MTU Aero Engines AG - release of the Total Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 of the WpHG (the German Securities Trading Act)

published via DGAPTotal Voting Rights Announcement acc. to article 41 WpHGPDF
12/31/2019MTU Aero Engines AGPDF
11/29/2019MTU Aero Engines AGPDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2019 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/28/2019FMR LLCVoting rights >5%PDF
11/27/2019Fidelity Investment TrustVoting rights >3%PDF
11/06/2019Fidelity Investment TrustVoting rights <3%PDF
09/17/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/30/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/29/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/28/2019Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
08/28/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
08/08/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
07/31/2019Fidelity Investment TrustVoting rights >3%PDF
07/31/2019FMR LLCVoting rights >5%PDF
07/29/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
07/25/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
07/24/2019BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >5%PDF
02/22/2019FMR LLCVoting rights >3%PDF



Shareholder Structure Archive 2018

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 43, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

30/08/2018The Capital Group Companies, Inc.PDF
30/08/2018Capital Research and Management CompanyPDF

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 33 of the German Securities Trading Year 2018 (Published via DGAP):

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/18/2018Oddo BHF Asset Management SASVoting rights <3%PDF
12/13/2018FMR LLCVoting rights <3%PDF
10/22/2018The Growth Fund of AmericaVoting rights <3%PDF
09/28/2018FMR LLCVoting rights >3%PDF
09/26/2018Massachusetts Financial Services CompanyVoting rights <5%PDF
08/21/2018The Capital Group CompaniesVoting rights >15%PDF
08/09/2018EuroPacific Growth FundVoting rights >5%PDF
08/08/2018Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
08/06/2018Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights >3%PDF
08/01/2018Allianz Global Investors GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
07/19/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
07/18/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
06/12/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
06/11/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
06/07/2018Black RockVoting rights <5%PDF
06/07/2018Black RockVoting rights <5%PDF
06/06/2018Black RockVoting rights <5%PDF
05/16/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
05/15/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
05/09/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
05/09/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
02/06/2018Deutsche Asset Management GmbHVoting rights <3%PDF
01/16/2018Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF



Shareholder Structure Archive 2017

MTU Aero Engines AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 99 %. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines AG holds 1% of its own shares (as of December 2017).

Contact for voting rights notifications

Please send any voting rights notifications by fax to: + 49 (0)89 - 1489 - 95139


We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 27a, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG): 

06/02/2017The Capital Group Companies, Inc.PDF
06/02/2017Capital Research and Management CompanyPDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Year 2017 – Published via DGAP: 

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/22/2017Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
12/19/2017Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
12/07/2017Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
12/07/2017Black RockVoting rights >5%PDF
10/16/2017Black RockVoting rights >3%PDF
10/09/2017Black RockVoting rights <3%PDF
07/25/2017Euro Pacific Growth FundVoting rights >3%PDF
07/19/2017Harris AssociatesVoting rights <3%PDF
05/23/2017The Capital Group Companies, Inc.Voting rights >10%PDF
03/29/2017BlackRock, Inc.Voting rights >3%PDF
03/29/2017Sun Life Financial Inc.Voting rights <3%PDF
03/10/2017Harris Associates L.P.Voting rights <5%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2016

MTU Aero Engines AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 98.8 %. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines AG holds 1.2 % of its own shares (as of Oct 31, 2016).

Contact for voting rights notifications

Please send any voting rights notifications by fax to: + 49 (0)89 - 1489 - 95139


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Year 2016 – Published via DGAP: 

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
12/15/2016Maverick Capital, LtdVoting rights <3%PDF
11/29/2016Allianz Global InvestorsVoting rights >3%PDF
04/25/2016The Growth Fund of AmericaVoting rights >3%PDF
03/08/2016Maverick Capital, LtdVoting rights >3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2015

MTU Aero Engines AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 98.3 %. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines AG holds 1.7 % of its own shares (as of Dec 31, 2015).

Publication of the Home Member State according to article 2c of the WpHG - Published via DGAP: 

Date PDF
11/27/2015MTU Aero Engines AG announces according to article 2c WpHG that Germany is the Home Member State.PDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Year 2015 – Published via DGAP: 

DateInvestorVoting rightPDF
23/12/2015Philippe OddoVoting rights <3%PDF
11/23/2015Harris AssociatesVoting rights >5%PDF
11/10/2015Maverick CapitalVoting rights <3%PDF
11/03/2015Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbHVoting rights>3%PDF
10/22/2015Harris Associates L.P.Voting rights >3%PDF
10/07/2015Financière IDAT, Mr. Philippe OddoVoting rights >3%PDF
10/07/2015Correction of a release from 03/23/2015: Oddo Meriten Asset Management, Oddo et CieVoting rights>3%PDF
08/11/2015Government of SingaporeVoting rights <3%PDF
06/03/2015American Funds Fundamental InvestorsVoting rights <3%PDF
05/22/2015Capital Research and Management Company, The Capital Group CompaniesVoting rights <10%PDF
05/06/2015Mondrian InvestmentsVoting rights <3%PDF
04/28/2015Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AGVoting rights <3%PDF
04/27/2015SEB AGVoting rights <3%PDF
04/21/2015Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken ABVoting rights >3%PDF
04/21/2015SEB AGVoting rights >3%PDF
04/10/2015UBS AG - CorrectionVoting rights <3%PDF


UBS AG - Correction

Voting rights >3%PDF
03/26/2015Maverick Capital Management; Mr. Lee S. Ainslie IIIVoting rights >3%PDF
03/26/2015Maverick Capital Ltd. - CorrectionVoting rights >3%PDF
03/25/2015Capital Group Companies; Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting rights >10%PDF
03/23/2015Oddo Asset Management, Oddo et CieVoting rights >3%PDF
03/11/2015Maverick CapitalVoting rights >3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2014

MTU Aero Engines AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 97.8%. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines AG holds 2.2% of its own shares (as of  March 31, 2014).

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading

Year 2014 – Published via DGAP:

11/12/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights < 3%PDF
11/12/2014Artisan PartnersVoting rights < 3%PDF
10/31/2014Artisan Partners FundsVoting rights < 3%PDF
10/28/2014Artisan PartnersVoting rights < 5%PDF
10/08/2014Correction of notification dated 18.12.2013: Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Limited, Threadneedle Asset Management LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
10/08/2014Threadneedle Asset Management UK Ltd, TAM UK Holdings Limited, Threadneedle Holdings LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
10/08/2014Mondrian Investment Partners LimitedVoting rights > 3%PDF
10/06/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
07/22/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights > 3%PDF
06/05/2014GIC Private Limited / Government of SingaporeVoting rights > 3%PDF
05/09/2014UBS AGVoting rights < 3%PDF
05/09/2014UBS AGVoting rights > 3%PDF
04/30/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
04/04/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights < 3%PDF
03/18/2014Artisan PartnersVoting rights > 5%PDF
03/12/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights > 3%PDF
03/11/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights < 3%PDF
03/07/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights > 3%PDF
03/05/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights > 3%PDF
03/05/2014The Capital Group CompaniesVoting rights < 10%PDF
02/28/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights < 3%PDF
02/26/2014Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting rights < 10%PDF
02/26/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
02/26/2014Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights > 3%PDF
02/21/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights > 3%PDF
02/21/2014The Growth fund of AmericaVoting rights < 3%PDF
02/04/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
01/21/2014GIC Private LimitedVoting rights > 3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2013

MTU Aero Engines AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 97.80%. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines AG holds 2.20% of its own shares (as of  June 30, 2013).

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 27a, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz WpHG):

Date of DGPA notificationInvestor  
02/05/2013The Capital Group Companies PDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 21, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading

Year 2013 – Published via DGAP:

12/18/2013Ameriprise Financial Inc., Threadneedle Asset Management Limited, Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings LimitedVoting rights < 3%PDF
12/09/2013Correction: Sun Life Financial Inc.Voting rights > 5% PDF
12/06/2013Threadneedle Asset Management Limited, Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings LimitedVoting rights > 3%PDF
12/06/2013Sun LifeVoting rights >5%PDF
12/04/2013Artisan PartnersVoting rights >5%PDF
11/29/2013Threadneedle Asset Management Limited, Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings LimitedVoting rights <3%PDF
10/30/2013Sun LifeVoting rights >3%PDF
10/29/2013Gryphon International Investment Corporation, Gryphon Investment Counsel Inc.Voting rights <3%PDF
10/14/2013FIL Investments International, FIL Limited, FIL Holdings LimitedVoting rights <3%PDF
10/09/2013Artisan Partners FundsVoting rights >3%PDF
09/24/2013Franklin Templeton Institutional LLCVoting rights <3%PDF
09/02/2013Schroder PLCVoting rights >3%PDF
09/02/2013Schroder Administration LimitedVoting rights >3%PDF
08/26/2013Schroder Administration Limited, Schroder PLCVoting rights <3%PDF
08/21/2013Artisan PartnersVoting rights >3%PDF
07/22/2013Allianz Global InvestorsVoting rights <3%PDF
06/11/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights <5%PDF
06/03/2013Allianz Global InvestorsVoting rights >3%PDF
05/24/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights >5%PDF
05/24/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights <5%PDF
05/22/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments International (acc. §25a WpHG)Voting rights <5%PDF
05/21/2013Investec Asset Management LimitedVoting rights <3%PDF
05/16/2013Investec Asset Management LimitedVoting rights >3%PDF
05/15/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights >5%PDF
05/06/2013Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights >3%PDF
04/16/2013Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights <3%PDF
04/12/2013Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights >3%PDF
04/05/2013Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights <3%PDF
04/03/2013Franklin Templeton InstitutionalVoting rights >3%PDF
03/21/2013The Capital Group CompaniesVoting rights <15%PDF
02/08/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights <5%PDF
01/24/2013The Capital Group CompaniesVoting rights >15%PDF
01/11/2013FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments InternationalVoting rights >5%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2012

MTU Aero Engines Holding AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 97.58%. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines Holding AG holds 2.42% of its own shares (as of  November 22, 2012).

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 25, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading

Year 2012 - Published via DGAP:

12/04/2012Investec Asset Management Limited Voting rights <3% PDF
11/22/2012Investec Asset Management LimitedVoting rights >3% PDF
11/06/2012Threadneedle Asset Management Limited Voting rights >3% PDF
11/06/2012Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Limited Voting rights >3% PDF
10/30/2012Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL Voting rights >3%PDF
09/17/2012Ameriprise Financial Voting rights >3% PDF
09/11/2012The Capital Group Companies Voting rights >10% PDF
06/29/2012FMR LLC Voting rights <3% PDF
05/22/2012FMR LLC Voting rights >3% PDF
05/22/2012FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments Voting rights >3% PDF
05/22/2012UBS AG Voting rights >3% PDF
05/21/2012Goldman Sachs Group Voting rights <5% PDF
05/11/2012Goldman Sachs Group Voting rights >5% PDF
05/04/2012FIL Limited, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Investments International Voting rights <3% PDF
05/04/2012FMR LLC Voting rights <3% PDF
04/27/2012Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights <3% PDF
04/05/2012American Funds Fundamental Investors Voting rights >3% PDF
03/01/2012Ameriprise Financial Inc. Voting rights <3% PDF
02/10/2012Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights >3% PDF
02/03/2012FIL Investments International, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Limited Voting rights >3% PDF
01/25/2012MTU Aero Engines Holding AG Voting rights <3%PDF
01/25/2012FMR LLC Voting rights >3% PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2011

MTU Aero Engines Holding AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 93.87%. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines Holding AG holds 6.13% of its own shares (as of January 19, 2012).

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 25, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading

Year 2011 - Published via DGAP:

11/17/2011FIL Investments International, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Limited Voting rights <3% PDF
10/13/2011FMR LLC Voting rights <3% PDF
08/24/2011BlackRock, Inc. Voting rights <3% PDF
08/05/2011Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Voting rights >3% PDF
07/27/2011Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights <3% PDF
06/06/2011Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Voting rights <3% PDF
05/27/2011FIL Investments International, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Limited Voting rights <5% PDF
05/24/2011FIL Investments International, FIL Holdings Limited, FIL Limited Voting rights >5% PDF
05/20/2011Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights >3% PDF
05/20/2011FMR LLC Voting rights >3% PDF
05/09/2011FMR LLC Voting rights <3% PDF
05/09/2011Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights <3%PDF
04/26/2011Fidelity Management & Research Company Voting rights >3% PDF
04/15/2011FMR LLC Voting rights >3% PDF
03/11/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL Voting rights <3% PDF
03/03/2011FidelityVoting rights >3% PDF
02/28/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARLVoting rights >3% PDF
02/28/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL Voting rights <3% PDF
02/28/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARLVoting rights >3% PDF
01/18/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARLVoting rights <3%PDF
01/12/2011Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARLVoting rights >3%PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2010

MTU Aero Engines Holding AG's free float, as defined by the German Stock Exchange, amounts to 93.75%. Accordingly, MTU Aero Engines Holding AG holds 6.25% of its own shares (as of December 31, 2010).

We have received the following notifications from major shareholders pursuant to section 27a, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG):

Year 2010 - Published via DGAP:

11/26/2010Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting right >10%PDF
05/21/2010Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting right >10% PDF


We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to section 25, para. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG):

Year 2010 - Published via DGAP:

12/10/2010Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL Voting right <3% PDF
11/18/2010Capital Research and Management Company Voting right >10%PDF
11/15/2010Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings SARL Voting right >3% PDF
08/06/2010BlackRock Voting right <5% PDF
08/05/2010Ameriprise Financial Voting right >3% PDF
07/27/2010BlackRock Voting right >5%PDF
06/08/2010Gryphon Voting right >3% PDF
06/07/2010Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting right <10% PDF
05/28/2010BlackRock Voting right <5%PDF
05/28/2010Longview Partners LP Voting right <3% PDF
05/28/2010Announcement of a correction from 28.05.2010 by Longview Partnes (Guernsey) Limited Voting right <3% PDF
05/21/2010Longview Partners LimitedVoting right <3% PDF
05/07/2010Capital Research and Management Company Voting right >10%PDF
03/18/2010The Growth Fund of America Voting right >3% PDF
02/16/2010Announcement of a correction from 09.12.2009 by BR Jersey International Holdings, L.P.Voting right >3% PDF
02/10/2010GryphonVoting right <3% PDF
01/12/2010Capital Research and Management Company Voting right >5% PDF

Shareholder Structure Archive 2009

Year 2009 - Published via DGAP:

12/14/2009Correction of the announcement from 09.12.2009 - BlackRock Investment Management (UK) LimitedVoting right >5%PDF
12/10/2009Longview Partners LimitedVoting right >3% PDF
12/09/2009BlackRock Investment Management (UK) LimitedVoting right >5%PDF
09/30/2009Longview Partners LPVoting right >3% PDF
08/19/2009ETFlab Investment GmbHVoting right <3% PDF
07/29/2009Capital Research and Management CompanyVoting right >3% PDF
06/17/2009Correction of the announcement from 15.06.2009 - Macquarie Bank LimitedVoting right <3% PDF
06/17/2009Correction of the announcement from 15.06.2009 - Macquarie Bank LimitedVoting right >3% PDF
06/15/2009Macquarie Bank LimitedVoting right <3%PDF
06/15/2009Macquarie Bank LimitedVoting right >3%PDF
05/19/2009ETFlab Investment GmbHVoting right  >3%PDF
05/15/2009Platinum Investment Management LimitedVoting right <3% PDF
05/04/2009Platinum International FundVoting right <3%PDF
02/02/2009Platinum Investment Management LimitedVoting right >3%PDF
01/28/2009Platinum International FundVoting right >3%PDF
01/27/2009The Bank of New York Mellon CorporationVoting right <3%PDF
01/14/2009Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLCVoting right <3%PDF

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