Corporate responsibility
MTU Aero Engines AG stands for open-mindedness and diversity

Born in Germany, at home in the world: As a strong partner in international aviation, MTU Aero Engines AG is a true global player. With our worldwide network of cooperation partners, customers and employees, we live and breathe cosmopolitanism, diversity and respect – out of deep conviction, together and every day.
Mobility brings people together, connects cultures and economic areas. International exchange based on open markets makes a decisive contribution to our prosperity – especially here in Germany. Innovation is the fuel that keeps our economic engine running and secures jobs. Our economic future depends on the wealth of ideas and inventiveness of clever minds from all over the world. It is dependent on those who think boldly and seize opportunities. Global challenges can only be solved in an international network.
Our open, value-based corporate culture creates an environment in which innovation and success thrive. We have 18 facilities in nine countries and employees from over 60 different nationalities. We stand for tolerance and inclusion. Our teams work on the challenges of tomorrow: only through the international exchange of ideas are we able to unite expertise and work on our vision of emission-free aviation.
If global connections are severed, we all lose. At MTU, we work together to drive global progress. There is no room for exclusion, isolation and racism.
MTU's CR strategy
Reconciling ecological and social responsibility with economic considerations is the main task of the MTU Group’s sustainability management efforts. This responsibility underpins our dealings with employees, customers, partners and all other stakeholders in society. One key focus here is product development.
As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we are committed to observing its ten principles of respect for human rights, fair working conditions, environmental protection and prevention of corruption.
Sustainability is a core value and key objective of the engine industry. After all, aircraft engines have a lifespan of several decades. Their development requires extensive engineering and testing work and high upfront investments and, hence, must be based on a future-oriented business model. Sustainable management secures MTU’s business success and economic viability down the road and helps the company remain competitive in a market driven by long-term business cycles, allowing it to open up new business segments, minimize risks and address economic, environmental and social challenges early in the game.
Ratings and awards

At MTU, we are committed to sustainable and responsible corporate governance. Independent rating agencies and analysts regularly put this to the test by subjecting our sustainability management to critical assessment in all key areas of action. We have compiled our current ratings and awards for you here.
We want your opinion!

We want to become even better! Help us evolve our sustainability management and better understand the wishes of different stakeholders. We want to learn more about what you expect from us with regard to sustainability management. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.
Non-financial statement

Our non-financial statement provides a detailed overview our key sustainability management topics. It outlines the wide range of measures and targets we use to live up to our holistic responsibility. Find out how MTU is tackling the challenges of the future and how we are fulfilling our duties as a global player.
Corporate responsibility (CR) at MTU: Our claim and fields of action