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Sustainable management: MTU Aero Engines publishes its fifth sustainability report
Munich, July 4, 2017 – From fiscal year 2017 on, large companies are required to publish social and environmental performance reports. A new law to that effect had been adopted by the German parliament in spring. Germany’s leading engine manufacturer started to disclose such information long before the law was passed. Since 2011, it has released annual sustain-ability reports outlining in detail how responsibly and sustainably the MTU Group goes about its business. Now MTU is publishing its 2016 Sustainability Report, the fifth of its kind. It combines the reports to the UN Global Compact and to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G.4) standards and is the first to cover the activities of all of the MTU Group’s fully consolidated companies.
Lower fuel burn and CO2 and noise emissions are key objectives addressed by the technology of the geared turbofan, which would not have been possible without key components made by MTU. “So quite a significant contribution made by aviation to overcoming the global chal-lenges, such as climate change and scarcity of natural resources, comes from us,” says MTU CEO Reiner Winkler. Meanwhile, orders have been received for over 8,000 PW1000G-family engines, which power the Airbus A320neo and other aircraft.
Sustainability does not only refer to the end products: At MTU, binding social and environ-mental standards have been integrated along the entire value chain – and this holds true both for its own production and for its cooperation with suppliers. The company has committed itself to promoting human rights, supporting fair working conditions, protecting the environment and fighting against corruption, and it engages in a whole variety of socially responsible activities. It moreover affords its employees opportunities for individual development, its work-life balance offerings allowing them to grow professionally while pursuing family or personal goals.
MTU’s non-financial indicators are assessed and awarded top ratings at regular intervals by rating agencies and independent experts. oekom research, one of the world’s leading rating agencies in the field of sustainable investment, has awarded MTU Prime Status (C+) overall. Since 2014, the company has been listed in the STOXX ESG Leaders family of sustainability indices as a leading company in the environment, social and governance categories.
MTU provides details of its sustainable package of actions on about 100 pages and moreover gives insights into emerging trends of the future, as, for instance, electric flight.
The 2016 Sustainability Report is available for download from MTU Aero Engines’ website: http://www.mtu.de/company/corporate-responsibility/sustainability-reports/
MTU also involves its stakeholders and the general public in its sustainable management and corporate social responsibility efforts and has posted a survey on its website: https://survey.mtu.de/stakeholder2019/

Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs