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Reiner Winkler to become Chief Executive Officer of MTU Aero Engines
• Supervisory Board appoints current Chief Financial Officer, effective January 1, 2014
• Egon Behle refers to personal life planning
• Michael Schreyoegg new member of the Board of Management
Munich, April 9, 2013 – Today, the Supervisory Board of MTU Aero Engines Hold-ing AG has appointed the current Chief Financial Officer Reiner Winkler (51) to become Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective January 1, 2014. He succeeds Egon Behle (57), who is no longer available for a contract extension.
Behle explained: „After six years as CEO of MTU Aero Engines, I do not want to extend my contract again, but like to attend to other tasks with regards to my personal life planning. Since the market position of MTU has been clearly strengthened over the past years and a sustainable growth path has been se-cured, this offers now the opportunity to realign the Board of Management and to build up a younger team.”
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Klaus Eberhardt, said: „The Supervisory Board regrets that Egon Behle, for personal reasons, is no longer available for an-other period of office as CEO. We have to respect his decision. With his long-standing experience, Reiner Winkler secures the continuity in the leadership of MTU.”
In his new position as CEO, Reiner Winkler will keep his current role as Chief Fi-nancial Officer and take on additional central functions. Winkler said: “I am very pleased about the confidence expressed by the Supervisory Board and the possi-bility to continue the success story of MTU, together with my colleagues in the Board of Management.”
Michael Schreyoegg (46), will be newly appointed to the Board of Management, effective July 1, 2013. Currently, he is responsible for the military programs of MTU. In his new function, he will be responsible for the commercial and military OEM programs.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines is Germany's leading, the country's only independent engine manufacturer and an established global player in the industry. It engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines. The company is a technological leader in low-pressure turbines, high-pressure compressors, manufacturing processes, and repair techniques. In the commercial maintenance area, MTU Maintenance is the world's largest independent provider of engine maintenance services. In the military arena, MTU Aero Engines is Germany's industrial lead company for practically all engines flown by the country's military. MTU operates affiliates around the globe; Munich is home to its corporate headquarters. In fiscal 2011, the company had a workforce of some 8,500 employees and posted consolidated sales of some 3.4 billion euros. In early March this year, the company won the German Industry’s 32nd Innovation Award. MTU received the recognition for the geared turbofan engine’s high-speed low-pressure turbine.

Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs