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MTU releases new Communication on Progress for UN Global Compact
- Climate strategy: CO2 emissions to be reduced by 40 percent
- Code of Conduct for 4,500 suppliers worldwide
Munich, August 7, 2014 – MTU Aero Engines is moving forward, with a deep sense of respect for humans and nature: Germany’s leading engine manufacturer has submitted its third Communication on Progress in line with the reporting guidelines issued by the UN Global Compact, in which the company provides an update on its activities to ensure the sustainability of its business. In the publication now released, MTU sets out its new climate strategy, which aims to achieve a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent. Earlier this year, MTU moreover introduced a Code of Conduct that requires all of its suppliers worldwide to comply with its policies.
“MTU views climate change as one of the greatest challenges facing society, politics and the economy,” says MTU CEO Reiner Winkler. “For the past few years, MTU has already been working to address this challenge and has now integrated all of its contributions towards eco-efficient air transport into a new climate strategy.”
Pursuant to this strategy, MTU will be developing engine components to help the aviation industry stabilize its CO2 emissions in the medium term and cut them in the long run. Thanks to advanced technologies, for example, MTU aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions of engines by as much as 40 percent by the year 2050 (relative to the year 2000 baseline). The first major step towards this goal is a new geared turbofan engine developed in partnership with Pratt & Whitney, which is slated to go into production in 2015. It will already reduce aircraft fuel consumption – and hence aircraft CO2 emissions – by 15 percent.
Another goal in MTU’s climate strategy is to come up with solutions to support the use of fuels from renewable sources in aviation in the future, the biggest challenge being the availability of such biofuels. Ecologically benign manufacturing processes, too, will play a role: Although MTU’s production volumes keep on growing, power consumption has remained at the same level or increased only negligibly in production and maintenance, MTU making it a point to build and equip its shops with energy saving in mind.
Corporate Responsibility, however, extends beyond the confines of the company. MTU expects all of its 4,500 suppliers worldwide to commit to its Code of Conduct too. Early this year, it began to include a provision in all contracts with suppliers that requires them to adopt its principles, which impose obligations to respect human rights, not to use child or forced labor, not to tolerate corruption, and to protect the environment.
MTU publishes a Communication on Progress with details of its Corporate Responsibility activities every year. All members of the UN Global Compact, which was initiated by the United Nations, undertake to report on progress made towards their sustainability goals on an annual basis. MTU joined the UN Global Compact in 2011. Meanwhile, over 12,000 companies have become members of this initiative and are committed to align their business activities and strategies with universal principles.
The Communication on Progress is available for download from MTU’s Web site.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines is Germany's leading engine manufacturer and has been a key player in the global engine industry for 80 years. It engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engine modules and industrial gas turbines. The company is a technological leader in low-pressure turbines, high-pressure compressors, manufacturing processes and repair techniques. Figuring significantly among MTU's core competencies are the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of commercial engines and the service support it provides for industrial gas turbines. These activities are combined under the roof of MTU Maintenance, which is one of the world’s largest providers of commercial engine MRO services. MTU operates affiliates around the globe; Munich is home to its corporate headquarters. In fiscal 2013, the company had a workforce of some 8,700 employees and posted consolidated sales of some 3.7 billion euros.

Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs