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MTU Maintenance completes 1,000th CF34 engine shop visit
Ludwigsfelde, July 3, 2016 – MTU Maintenance, one of the world’s leading providers of services for commercial aero engines, has completed its 1,000th CF34 engine repair and overhaul shop visit. The engine belongs to BA CityFlyer, who have been a customer of MTU Maintenance since 2010. The engine was returned to the airline, whose headquarters are in Manchester, as part of a celebratory ceremony with employees at MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg on Friday.
“We are delighted to have reached this milestone and honoured that BA CityFlyer joined us in Germany to celebrate,” says André Sinanian, Managing Director and Senior Vice President MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg. “Furthermore, I would like to thank our employees for their contribution to this achievement. Our people are behind the excellence and efficiency that our customers rely on.”
BA CityFlyer is a regional airline that operates a network of UK domestic and European services from London City and other regional airports. BA CityFlyer is the largest operator at London City with the highest number of destinations and customers. The wholly-owned British Airways subsidiary operates a fleet of 20 Embraer 190 and 170s with 42 CF34-10E and -8E engines. “MTU Maintenance is our partner and MRO provider for these engines,” says Mark Leather, Head of Fleet & Airworthiness BA CityFlyer. “Their team provides the highest level of support, expertise and accompaniment through the shop visit process, always going the extra mile. We look forward to many more successful shop visits and continuing our great partnership with each other.”
MTU Maintenance has been maintaining engines from the CF34 family (CF34--3, -8C/E, -10E) for 15 years and has provided MRO services to over 90 customers across the globe. The maintenance division of MTU Aero engines is a GE authorized service provider and services are performed at MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg. In addition to comprehensive MRO support, the MTU on-site support teams have enabled customers to avoid over 650 shop visits through their on-wing services since 2003. Support options were further enhanced in 2016, when MTU Maintenance Lease Services and Embraer Aviation International SAS joined forces to provide customers with comprehensive CF34-10E spare engine support. MTU Maintenance performs over 100 off-wing shop visits per year.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines AG is Germany's leading engine manufacturer. The company is a technological leader in low-pressure turbines, high-pressure compressors, turbine center frames as well as manufacturing processes and repair techniques. In the commercial OEM business, the company plays a key role in the development, manufacturing and marketing of high-tech components together with international partners. In the commercial maintenance sector, the company ranks among the top five service providers for commercial aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines. The activities are combined under the umbrella of MTU Maintenance. In the military field, MTU Aero Engines is Germany's industrial lead company for practically all engines operated by the country's military. MTU operates a network of locations around the globe; Munich is home to its corporate headquarters. In the fiscal year 2016, the company had a workforce of some 9,000 employees and posted consolidated sales of approximately 4.7 billion euros.