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MTU Aero Engines sees considerable growth potential with PurePower® PW800 engines
- 15 percent program workshare in the engine to power Gulfstream’s new business jet family
- Environmentally sustainable technologies, proven core, less maintenance
Munich, 14th October, 2014 – Today it has been announced that the PurePower® PW800 engines are the power behind the new Gulfstream G500 and G600 business jets. The rollout took place at Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.’s Georgia headquarters. MTU Aero Engines has a 15 percent workshare in Pratt & Whitney Canada’s (P&WC) PurePower PW800 engine program. Germany’s leading engine manufacturer has design responsibility for the engines’ low-pressure turbine and the front high-pressure compressor and is also manufacturing these modules.
A 16,000-pound-thrust-class powerhouse, the PurePower PW800 engine is optimized for high-flying, fast, long-range business jets and shares the same proven, tested core technology used in the PurePower family of geared turbofan commercial engines. The engines have been chosen for five other applications demonstrating the performance, flexibility and robustness of this technology.
Certification of the PW814GA and PW815GA engines that will power the Gulfstream G500 and G600 respectively is expected before the end of 2014. It is anticipated that by the time the PurePower PW800 engine enters into service, the engine family will have accumulated more than 1.5 million hours of service. Building on this, the PurePower PW800 engine, with its proven core, best-in-class availability, technology innovation, and comprehensive service plan, will be uniquely positioned to serve business aviation.
“Our stake in the PurePower PW800 engine program secures us a significant footprint in the next-generation engines for business jets,” said Michael Schreyögg, Chief Program Officer at MTU Aero Engines. “With our low-pressure turbine and the high-pressure compressor our company is a pacesetter in the engine market, with many years of experience. The PurePower PW800 engine program enables us to further expand our close and trustful partnership with Pratt & Whitney Canada.”
“The delivery of the PurePower PW800 engine family is a true collaborative achievement of Pratt & Whitney Canada, together with strong partners such as MTU Aero Engines with its core components technology,” comments John Saabas, President, P&WC.
The PurePower PW800 engine incorporates the latest generation of technologies in every aspect, from advanced design technologies and state-of-the art manufacturing processes to innovative maintenance functionality. Features include a high efficiency and low maintenance single-piece fan, the latest full authority digital engine control (FADEC) system with advanced diagnostics, as well as lightweight, advanced materials such as titanium and composites to deliver a superior performance and availability. The PurePower PW800 engine delivers exceptional fuel efficiency with double-digit improvements over the previous generation of engines in this thrust class. It also incorporates an advanced TALON™ X combustor which sets a new “green” engine standard with respect to future environmental regulations, including double-digit margin to anticipated CAEP/8 (Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection) regulations for reduced nitrogen-oxide (NOx) emissions and ultra-low levels of unburned hydrocarbons and smoke. From a maintenance perspective, the PurePower PW800 engine sets the industry standard, requiring 40% less scheduled maintenance and 20% fewer inspections than other engines in its class.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines is Germany's leading engine manufacturer and has been a key player in the global engine industry for 80 years. It engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engine modules and industrial gas turbines. The company is a technological leader in low-pressure turbines, high-pressure compressors, manufacturing processes and repair techniques. Figuring significantly among MTU's core competencies are the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of commercial engines and the service support it provides for industrial gas turbines. These activities are combined under the roof of MTU Maintenance, which is one of the world’s largest providers of commercial engine MRO services. MTU operates affiliates around the globe; Munich is home to its corporate headquarters. In fiscal 2013, the company had a workforce of some 8,700 employees and posted consolidated sales of some 3.7 billion euros.

Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs