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MTU Aero Engines scores big at Le Bourget: Orders worth over 600 million euros
Paris, June 22, 2011 – For Germany's leading engine manufacturer, the air show in France's Le Bourget was a huge success: MTU CEO Egon Behle reported that the company had bagged orders in the total amount of more than 600 million euros. "That's a figure that is twice as high as at the last Paris Air Show two years ago," explained Behle.
Deals have been concluded for the PurePower PW1000G geared-turbofan family, the GEnx engine powering the Boeing 747-8, and the popular V2500 for standard A320 jets. Said Behle: "We are pleased to note that after a first, very big wave of orders for the geared turbofan, we now see additional major contracts coming in for this propulsion system here at Le Bourget, and, importantly, not just for the A320neo, but also for the CSeries and the MRJ." For Behle, one of the highlights this year was the international air show debut of the new Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental. "I'm very confident that our program share in the GEnx, which has been selected as the exclusive powerplant for this aircraft, will also pay dividends over the next few years," said MTU's chief executive.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines, Germany's only independent engine manufacturer, is an established global player in the industry. The company has a workforce of more than 7,900 employees worldwide and, in fiscal 2010, posted consolidated sales of some 2.7 billion euros. A technology leader, MTU excels in low-pressure turbines and high-pressure compressors, as well as in manufacturing and repair techniques. In the commercial area, MTU Maintenance is the world's largest independent provider of engine maintenance, repair and overhaul services. In the military area, MTU Aero Engines is Germany's industrial lead company for practically all engines flown by the country's armed forces.