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Eurofighter: MTU welcomes contract for first Tranche 3 package
• No interruption of production
• 600 jobs secured at MTU
Munich, July 31, 2009 – MTU Aero Engines will benefit substantially from the contract for the Tranche 3A production order for the Eurofighter/Typhoon, which has now been concluded. Germany's leading engine manufacturer has a 30-percent workshare in the production of the EJ200 engine powering Europe's most powerful fighter aircraft. The first Tranche 3 contract is for 112 aircraft and 241 engines. MTU expects to reap about 250 million euros in revenues from the deal.
Egon Behle, MTU Aero Engines CEO, said on the occasion of the signing of the contract between NETMA (NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency), Eurofighter GmbH and EUROJET Turbo GmbH in Hallbergmoos, Germany, on Friday, July 31, 2009: "We very much welcome the decision to go forward with procurement. It will allow us to continue production, including final assembly, without interruption. The move will result in cost savings for all parties involved and moreover also secure about 600 high-tech jobs at MTU in Munich."
Germany's Number One in the aero engine industry is partnering with manufacturers Rolls-Royce, Avio and ITP to build the EJ200. MTU is responsible for the low-pressure compressor, the high-pressure compressor and the DECMU digital engine control and monitoring unit. Final assembly of all engines delivered to the German Air Force occurs at the company's Munich location. The EJ200, which incorporates cutting-edge technologies, is one of the most advanced fighter jet propulsion systems. MTU's compressors feature innovative blisk technology; the DECMU is considered to be a world benchmark in engine control system technology.
The Eurofighter's export prospects are strong, with potential customers including India and Switzerland. Austria and Saudi Arabia have placed firm orders and have already taken delivery of the first jets. The Munich company contributes its components also to aircraft sold to export customers.
About MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero Engines, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, is a major player in the engine community. The company's roots date back to the dawn of powered aviation at the beginning of the 20th century. Its legal predecessor is BMW Flugmotorenbau GmbH, which was founded in 1934. With a global workforce of some 7,500 people, MTU in fiscal 2008 had some 2.7 billion euros in consolidated sales. Its MTU Maintenance arm is the world's largest independent provider of commercial engine maintenance services. In the military arena, MTU Aero Engines is Germany's industrial lead company for practically all engines flown by the country's armed forces. Technologically an industry leader, the company excels in low-pressure turbines and high-pressure compressors, as well as manufacturing and repair techniques.