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Archive Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 as virtual meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies.

Sample registration form

Sample participation ticket (PDF)

The sample participation ticket is not a substitute for proper registration to the Annual General Meeting.

Weblink HV_Videowebcast_public


Important note: The replay of the video webcast, which is open to the public, broadcasts the opening speech by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the speech by the Chef Executive Officer.

Countermotions, candidate nominations and requests for supplements to the agenda

Countermotions, candidate nominations, motions for additions to the agenda, which must be made available to the public, are published here.


We received the following nomination by the shareholder Savvas Georgiadis, on April 23, 2024 via Email (available only in German) for the Annual General Meeting, taking place on May 8, 2024.PDF



We received the following countermotion on agenda item 3 by shareholder Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre, on April 23 2024 via Email for our Annual General Meeting, taking place on May 8, 2024 (available only in German).

Position of the management on the countermotion by shareholder Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre on April 24, 2024 (available only in German)PDF

Annual General Meeting 2023

The virtual Annual General Meeting 2023 took place on Thursday, May 11, 2023.

Sample registration form

Sample participation ticket (PDF)

The sample participation ticket is not a substitute for proper registration to the Annual General Meeting.

Replay Videowebcast AGMMay 11, 2023


Important note: The replay of the video webcast, which is open to the public, broadcasts the opening speech by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the speech by the Chef Executive Officer.

Countermotions, candidate nominations and requests for supplements to the agenda

There were no countermotions, candidate nominations, requests for supplements to the agenda in 2023.

Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting took place on

Thursday, May 5, 2022, 10:00 am CEST (8:00 am UTC)

as a virtual meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies.


Important note: The replay of the video webcast, which is open to the public, only broadcasts the opening speech by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the speech by the Chairman of the Board of Management, but not the general discussion.

Sample participation ticket AGM 2022

Sample participation ticket (PDF)

The sample participation ticket is not a substitute for proper registration to the Annual General Meeting 2022.

Countermotions, candidate nominations and requests for supplements to the agenda

Countermotions, candidate nominations, requests for supplements to the agenda that must be available will be published here.

General information on motions submitted for the Annual General Meeting on May 5, 2022 (PDF)

We received the following countermotions on agenda item 3 by the Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre, Cologne, on April 20, 2022 via Email (available only in German)PDF
Position of the management on the countermotion by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre on April 22, 2022 (available only in German)PDF


Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday, April 21st, 2021.

The Annual General Meeting 2021 was held as a virtual event.

Replay Video Webcast - Annual General Meeting April 21, 2021


Important note: The replay of the video webcast, which is open to the public, only broadcasts the opening speech by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the speech by the Chairman of the Board of Management, but not the general discussion.



Results of the AGM 2021

Dividend notice(PDF)
Information acc. to table 8 of the annex to commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/1212 (dividend payment)(PDF)
Voting results 2021(PDF) 
Speech of Management Board 2021(PDF)

Documents AGM 2021

Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2021 (Convocation incl. Agenda)(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2020 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial Statements and Combined Management Report of MTU Aero Engines AG at 31.12.2020 including audit opinion (available only in German)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory notes pursuant to section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act (PDF)
Information acc. section 125 German Stock Corporation Act, article 4 section 1, table 3 of the annex to commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/1212(PDF)

Further information on agenda items

Explanatory notes on agenda item 1 in accordance with section 124a German Stock Corporation Act (PDF)
Corporate Governance and Supervisory Board(PDF)
Further information on agenda item 5(PDF)
Further information on agenda item 6 (CV Dr. Rainer Martens)(PDF)
Further information on agenda item 7(PDF)
Further information on agenda item 8(PDF)
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item 9(PDF)
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item 10(PDF)

Shareholder's motions and nominations /Position of the Management

General information on the motions submitted for the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2021(PDF)
We received the following countermotion on agenda item 7 by Mr. Ludwig Friedt, Bruchsal, on March 31, 2021 via Email (available only in German):(PDF)
Position of the management on the countermotion by Mr. Ludwig Friedt on April 8, 2021 (available only in German)(PDF)
We received the following countermotions on agenda item 2 and 3 by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre, Köln, on April 6, 2021 via Email (available only in German): (PDF)
Position of the management on the countermotions by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre on April 8, 2021 (available only in German)(PDF)

Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting took place on August 5, 2020.

Documents AGM 2020

Dividend notice(PDF)
Voting results 2020(PDF)
Speech of Management Board 2020(PDF)
Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2020(PDF)
Explanatory notes on Agenda item 1 in accordance with Section 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2019 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial Statements and Combined Management Report of MTU Aero Engines AG at 31.12.2019 including audit opinion (available only in German)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory notes pursuant to section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act (PDF)
Articles of Association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of March 2020)(PDF)
Data Protection Notice for Shareholderswebsite

Countermotions 2020

We received no countermotions.

Annual General Meeting 2019

The Annual General Meeting 2019 took place on April 11, 2019 in Munich.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2019

Dividend notice(PDF)
Voting results 2019(PDF)
Speech of Management Board 2019(PDF)
Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2019(PDF)
Explanatory notes on Agenda item 1 in accordance with Section 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)(PDF)
Further information on the candidate proposed for election to the Supervisory Board under item 6 of the agenda: 
Dr. Joachim Rauhut, independent consultant, former CFO of Wacker Chemie AG(PDF)
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item no. 7(PDF)
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item no. 8(PDF)
Report of the Executive Board on agenda item no. 9(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2018 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial Statements and Combined Management Report of MTU Aero Engines AG at 31.12.2018 including audit opinion (available only in German)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory notes pursuant to section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding the rights of shareholders as set forth in sections 122 para.2, 126 para. 1, 127 and 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act(PDF)
Articles of Association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of June 2015)(PDF)
Data Protection Notice for Shareholderswebsite



We received on March 27, 2019  the following countermotion for the agenda item 3 "Resolution on the discharge of members of the Executive Board for the financial year 2018" by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre.

Please click here to read the full countermotion by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre (available only in German) (PDF)

Statement to Countermotion

MTU Aero Engines statement concerning the countermotion for the agenda item 3 by Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre (available only in German):

Please click her to read the statement (PDF)


Annual General Meeting 2018

The Annual General Meeting 2018 took place on April 11, 2018 in Munich.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2018

Dividend notice(PDF)
Voting results(PDF)
Speech of Management Board 2018(PDF)
Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2018(PDF)
Explanatory notes on Agenda item 1 in accordance with Section 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)(PDF)
Further information on the candidates proposed for election to the Supervisory Board unter item 6 of the agenda: 
6a. Dr. Christine Bortenlänger, Executive Member of the Board of Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V.(PDF)
6b. Klaus Eberhardt, independent consultant, former chairman of the Executive Board of Rheinmetall AG(PDF)
6c. Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger , CEO of Senvion SA, Luxembourg(PDF)
6d. Prof. Dr. Klaus Steffens, independent consultant, former president and CEO of MTU Aero Engines GmbH(PDF)
6e. Prof. Dr. Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research ISI in Karlsruhe and holder of the Chair of Innovation and Technology Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2017 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial Statements  and Combined Management Report of MTU Aero Engines AG at 31.12.2017 including audit opinion(available only in German)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory notes pursuant to section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding the rights of shareholders as set forth in sections 122 para.2, 126 para. 1, 127 and 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act(PDF)
Articles of Association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of June 2015)(PDF)
Addendum to the Report of the Supervisory Board
Meetings of the Supervisory Board and its Committees



We received no countermotions.


Annual General Meeting 2017

The Annual General Meeting 2017 took place on Thursday, May 4th, 2017 in Munich.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2017

Dividend notice(PDF)
Voting results(PDF)
Speech of Management Board 2017(PDF)
Invitation announcement to Annual General Meeting 2017(PDF)
Announcement to Agenda item 1 in accordance with Section 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2016 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial Statements  and Combined Management Report of MTU Aero Engines AG at 31.12.2016 (available only in German)(PDF)
Audit opinion for the financial statements 2016 of MTU Aero Engines AG (available only in German)(PDF)
Explanatory details to item 5 (Resolution on the appointment of the auditor for the financial year 2017)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory details pursuant to section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding the rights of shareholders as set forth in sections 122 para.2, 126 para. 1, 127 and 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act(PDF)
Meetings of the Supervisory Board and Committee Meetings during the Financial Year 2016(PDF)
Articles of Association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of June 2015)(PDF)



We received no countermotions.


Annual General Meeting 2016

The Annual General Meeting 2016 took place on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 in Munich.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2016

Dividend notice(PDF)
Voting results(PDF)
Speech of Management Board 2016(PDF)
Invitation announcement to Annual General Meeting 2016(PDF)
Explanation on the item of the agenda without a resolution (paragraph 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act))(PDF)
Annual report for fiscal year 2015 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report)(PDF)
Financial statements and management report 2015 of MTU Aero Engines AG (available only in German)(PDF)
Audit opinion for the financial statements and management report 2015 of MTU Aero Engines AG (available only in German)(PDF)
Explanatory details to item 5 (Resolution on the appointment of the auditor for the financial year 2016)(PDF)
Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of calling the Annual General Meeting(PDF)
Explanatory details pursuant to Section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding the rights of shareholders as set forth in sections 122 para. 2, 126 para. 1, 127 and 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act(PDF)
Articles of association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of June 2015)(PDF)



We received no countermotions.


Annual General Meeting 2014

The Annual General Meeting 2014 of MTU Aero Engines AG took place on Friday, May 8th, 2014 in Munich.

Annual General Meeting 2013

The Annual General Meeting 2013 of MTU Aero Engines AG took place on Friday, May 3, 2013 in Munich.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2013

Dividend notice (PDF)

Voting results on resolutions of the AGM 2013 (PDF)

Speech of Management Board (PDF)

Invitation announcement to annual general meeting 2013 (PDF)

Explanation on the item of the agenda without a resolution (paragraph 124a AktG (German Stock Corporation Act) (PDF)

Curricula vitae of the Supervisory Board Members / Candidates:

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bender (PDF)
Klaus Eberhardt (PDF)
Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger (PDF)
Dr. Joachim Rauhut (PDF)
Udo Stark (PDF)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Steffens (PDF)
Prof. Dr. Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl (PDF)


Annual report for fiscal year 2012 (includes consolidated financial statements and group management report) (PDF)

Financial statements and management report 2012 of MTU Aero Engines AG (available only in German) (PDF)

Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of calling the annual general meeting (PDF)

Explanatory details pursuant to Section 121 para. 3 no. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act regarding the rights of shareholders as set forth in sections 122 para. 2, 126 para. 1, 127 and 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act (PDF)

Articles of association of MTU Aero Engines AG (as of October 2012) (PDF)

Countermotions and Proposed Resolutions

Statement concerning the proposed nomination for the Supervisory Board election by Mr. Paul Schmitz, Bad Münstereifel, with reference to agenda item 8 of the agenda (PDF)

Proposed nomination for the Supervisory Board election by Mr. Paul Schmitz, Bad Münstereifel, with reference to agenda item 8 of the agenda (PDF)


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