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Ad-hoc Announcements

Pursuant to Article 17 MAD (Market Abuse Directive), publicly listed stock corporations are required to immediately release information relevant to stock price valuation. We publish our ad-hoc releases through DGAP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität mbH).


2024/12/17MTU Aero Engines AG: MTU Aero Engines AG appoints new CEO PDF

MTU Aero Engines AG: CEO Lars Wagner will not extend his contract

2024/10/15MTU Aero Engines AG raises 2024 earnings guidance based on
preliminary quarterly results

MTU Aero Engines AG Executive Board proposes a dividend of € 2.00 per share for the 2023 financial year and forecasts growth in all market segments




2023/09/11Expanded geared turbofan inspection program puts burden on MTU Aero EnginesPDF
2023/04/17Key figures of MTU Aero Engines AG in the first quarter 2023 exceed market expectationsPDF



2022/05/03 CEO change at MTU Aero Engines AGPDF



There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2021.



DateAd-hoc NewsPDF-file
2020/07/31Ad-hoc: MTU Aero Engines AG publishes new forecast for the 2020 fiscal yearPDF
2020/06/17Ad-hoc: Klaus Eberhardt to continue as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MTU Aero Engines AG PDF
2020/03/26Ad-hoc: MTU Aero Engines AG withdraws guidance 2020PDF

Ad-hoc: MTU Aero Engines AG proposes a modified resolution on the appropriation of net profit and postpones Annual General Meeting




DateAd-hoc NewsPDF-file

Ad-hoc: MTU Aero Engines AG launches new convertible bond offering and solicits offers from investors to sell the outstanding convertible bonds due 2023 (ISIN DE000A2AAQB8)




There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2018.


There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2017. 

2014 - 2015

There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2014 - 2015. 

2008 - 2012

There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2008 - 2012. 


DateAd-hoc release
07/24/2007Ad-hoc: Egon W. Behle to become new MTU Aero Engines CEO (PDF)
05/29/2007Ad-hoc: New facility in Poland adds 15 million euros annually to the group's earnings from 2011 (PDF)
03/14/2007Ad-hoc: Udo Stark will not extend his contract as CEO of MTU Aero Engines (PDF)
01/23/2007MTU launches convertible bond offering
Due to legal restrictions we are not allowed to publish the english version of the "Convertible Bond" Ad-hoc release, dated January, 23. If you wish to receive a copy, please contact us by email at Claudia.Heinle@mtu.de. Please include a confirmation, that you are not located in the United States, Australia, Canada, Italy or Japan in your request. Otherwise we will not be able to send you the information. Thank you for your understanding.


There were no ad-hoc releases published in 2006. 

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