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We live diversity -
together and every day!

For us, values are more than just words—they are at the heart of everything we do and are the key to our success. We are actively committed to diversity, tolerance, and openness; racism and exclusion have no place here! With a team of over 12,000 employees from 88 nations, we draw our strength from variety. Our open, values-based corporate culture creates an environment in which innovation can flourish. We’re aware of our responsibility toward future generations, and we’re continuously working on future-oriented solutions for more sustainable aviation.

“A common set of values and binding internal standards underpin our collaboration and our positive corporate culture. In a volatile world marked by global challenges and geopolitical changes, they provide direction and guide us through a successful transformation.”

Lars Wagner, Chief Executive Officer, MTU Aero Engines


There is only one market for our products: the global market. To be successful here, we need free trade and to have the best minds working at MTU - in Germany and worldwide.


We are all different, and that’s to our benefit. Because what unites us is our common goal: to make MTU successful in every way.


We can disagree and argue over the best course of action, as long as we do it objectively, constructively, and respectfully. Because the key thing is how we at MTU treat each other. 


The only way we can innovate is by looking clearly to the future. We accept the challenges that the future holds and together, we shape tomorrow’s aviation.


Global challenges - whether peace and security or the preservation of our planet for future generations can be solved only through international cooperation.


People from over 80 nations work together successfully at 19 MTU locations in 9 countries. Exclusion, isolation, racism, and fascism have no place here.


Our basic principles of freedom and democracy enable change and stability in equal measure. They provide a reliable legal framework for successful entrepreneurial activity. It is our responsibility to defend our values and our freedom. Our expertise in the field of military propulsion systems contributes to national security and sovereignty in Europe.

Our commitment

We live and promote diversity, tolerance, and openness, which is why in Germany we’re supporting a nationwide campaign entitled #Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark (Together – Diversity makes us strong).

MTU is proud to be a founding member and the first signatory of the Diversity Charter. This initiative, which is supported by the German government, aims to promote the recognition, appreciation, and integration of diversity in business culture in Germany.