MTU Maintenance Canada
MTU Maintenance Canada Ltd.
MTU Maintenance’s principal MRO facility in North America is located just south of Vancouver, British Columbia, in the city of Delta. It repairs and overhauls engines as well as accessories, and performs engine testing.
MTU Maintenance Canada holds all OEM licenses required for the repair and overhaul of IAE’s V2500 and GE’s CF6-80C2 engines. It also focuses on military applications for commercial engines such as the F138 variant for the C-5M Super Galaxy large transport aircraft, respectively.
Further, the location doubles as MTU’s center of excellence for comprehensive accessory repair and LRU management services across its entire portfolio. The latter plays an increasing role in MTU’s service offerings. In 2021, MTU Maintenance Canada moved to a 22,000 square meters facility to consolidate its disassembly, repair and assembly activities under one roof, and to provide further room for future growth.
BC V4K 3N3 Delta