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Responsible Sourcing

Our suppliers are responsible for generating a large part of the value we create. We require our partners to act sustainably and, through our responsible sourcing activities, we ensure compliance with important environmental and social standards in the supply chain. We partner with a large number of suppliers and subcontractors from different countries. Our cooperation with them is based on ecological and social criteria, which we have laid down in our Code of Conduct.

Our Goals 2025+

Human and employee rights are central components of our business relationships.

  • The new CR requirements for the supply chain resulting from Germany’s Due Diligence Act are consistently implemented
  • The Code of Conduct reflects the contents of the Due Diligence Act, is a binding part of the contract, and compliance with it is regularly reviewed.

In our cooperation with suppliers, we pay attention to a resource- and environment-friendly value chain

  • Risk management is implemented in our processes.
  • Supporting IT systems are implemented.

CR is embedded in our contracts and sourcing decisions. In this way, we ensure social and ecological standards

  • CR assessments of suppliers are incorporated into sourcing decisions.
  • Our employees have been trained in CR and suppliers’ awareness has been raised.

Responsible handling of conflict minerals is ensured.

  • Automated queries ensure compliance with and verification of contractual requirements.

A Scope 3 upstream carbon footprint is compiled

Compile, analyze and evaluate key Scope 3 activities

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Our sustainability report


You can find more information on this topic here:


Sustainability Report - Supplier Management

Sustainability in the supply chain

We have established a binding Code of Conduct for Suppliers that forms the basis of all contracts with our suppliers. It defines the social and environmental standards we require them to observe, which are identical to those we apply ourselves. They include respecting human rights as laid down in international accords, complying with workplace standards, protecting the environment and warding off corruption.

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and is a fixed element of all contracts. Each contract signed by a supplier includes the commitment to abide by these principles. The Code of Conduct for Suppliers plays an important role in integrating sustainability issues in the procurement process. We expect our suppliers to communicate MTU’s standards to their own supply chains and take measures to ensure that they are complied with.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers (PDF English Version)  Kodeks Postępowania dla dostawców MTU (PDF Polish Version)  Kodeks ponašanja MTU dobavljača (PDF Serbian Version)

Suspicions that the Code of Conduct may have been breached can be reported to

 MTU’s ombudsman 

Furthermore, MTU has implemented the whistleblower system: iTrust

More information

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