MTU Aero Engines Polska is a wholly owned affiliate of MTU Aero Engines – Germany’s leading engine manufacturer. MTU Aero Engines has a global presence with 19 locations worldwide and more than 12,000 employees. MTU Aero Engines Polska, based in Tajęcina near Rzeszów, currently employs more than 1,300 people.
The manufacturing portfolio of MTU Aero Engines Polska includes a wide range of parts for both commercial airliners and business jets as well as military aircraft. This includes low-pressure turbine blades and vanes, seals, discs and blisks, specifically designed for engines that power the Airbus A220, A320, A380, as well as Cessna and Gulfstream business jets. The company also produces components for the LM6000TM gas turbine series, highlighting its versatile manufacturing capabilities.
MTU Aero Engines Polska specializes in the assembly of turbine center frame units and low-pressure turbines for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Boeing 777X, as well as the repair of engine components. Further, the site is responsible for the management of external parts and accessories for the V2500 program. MTU Aero Engines Polska also has a dynamically growing IT department that provides advanced information technology services to other MTU locations across the globe.